In what countries does the Saphe work?
With a Saphe you get alarms at fixed speed cameras in 99 countries.
we have over 98.000 cameras in the following countries:
Algeria (DZ) | Guatemala (GT) | Oman (OM) |
Andorra (AND) | Honduras (HN) | Panama (PA) |
Argentina (RA) | Hong Kong (HK) | Paraguay (PY) |
Armenia (ARM) | Hungary (H) | Peru (PE) |
Australia (AUS) | Iceland (IS) | Poland (PL) |
Austria (A) | India (IND) | Portugal (P) |
Azerbaijan (AZ) | Iran (IR) | Qatar (Q) |
Bahrain (BRN) | Iraq (IRQ) | Romania (RO) |
Belarus (BY) | Ireland (IRL) | Russia (RUS) |
Belgium (B) | Israel (IL) | San Marino (RSM) |
Belize (BZ) | Italy (I) | Saudi Arabia (KSA) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) | Japan (J) | Serbia (SRB) |
Brazil (BR) | Jordan (JOR) | Singapore (SGP) |
Bulgaria (BG) | Kazakhstan (KZ) | Slovakia (SK) |
Canada (CDN) | Kuwait (KWT) | Slovenia (SLO) |
Chile (RCH) | Kyrgyzstan (KS) | South Africa (ZA) |
China (RCC) | Laos (LAO) | South Korea (ROK) |
Colombia (CO) | Latvia (LV) | Spain (ES) |
Croatia (HR) | Lebanon (RL) | Sweden (SE) |
Cyprus (CY) | Liechtenstein (LI) | Switzerland (CH) |
Czech Republic (CZ) | Lithuania (LT) | Taiwan (RCT) |
Denmark (DK) | Luxembourg (L) | Thailand (T) |
Ecuador (EC) | Malaysia (MAL) | The Philippines (RP) |
Estonia (EST) | Malta (M) | Trinidad and Tobago (TT) |
Fiji (FJI) | Mauritius (MS) | Tunisia (TN) |
Finland (FI) | Mexico (MEX) | Turkey (TR) |
France (FR) | Moldavia (MD) | USA (USA) |
France DOM-ROM (FRDR) | Mongolia (MGL) | Ukraine (UA) |
Georgia (GE) | Morocco (MA) | United Arab Emirates (UAE) |
Germany (D) | Namibia (NAM) | Uruguay (ROU) |
Gibraltar (GBZ) | Netherlands (NL) | Uzbekistan (UZ) |
Great Britain (GB) | New Zealand (NZ) | Zambia (Z) |
Greece (GR) | Norway (NO) | Zimbabwe (ZW) |
Germany: In 2015, there was a case in the state of Lower Saxony where a person was convicted of using a app there gives warnings about speed cameras. This must be seen in the light of the fact that over 5 mill. Germans use an app to warn about speed cameras.
It is not legal to warn about speed checks in Cyprus, Macedonia, Switzerland and Turkey.